Short Stories 2

4 min readJan 19, 2021

Short Stories of Spring Time Love

Lexi’s Story

It was way past curfew when I left Sara’s house. I was so worried about how I was gonna sneak into my house that I did not think about the long walk home. I have never been this scared and paranoid before. I kept hearing strange noises all around me. I swear I seen shadows and heard footsteps following me. I started walking faster and faster until I was almost running. I don’t remember Sara’s house being this far from my house before. I have walked this route every day for the past four months since I met Sara. I know it so well that I could walk it with my eyes closed. I was so incredibly happy when I could see my house about half a block away. I felt relieved for about a second when, all of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I let out a quick scream and my neighbor, Anthony let out a laugh. He was out late walking Koko, his chocolate lab. I was so scared that I yelled at him. “What’s wrong with you idiot? You freakin scared me.”

When I reached my house I went through the back gate. Every light in the house was off, thank goodness. I went to my bedroom window and lifted it up very slowly. Gotta admit that I thought maybe my parents had checked on me and locked the window so I would have to go through the front door. I climbed up and through the window, which I am glad nobody was watching because it was not a graceful procedure. Probably looked like a damn fool with my legs just kicking as I tried to wiggle my way down to the floor without falling on my face. It was an epic fail because my clumsy butt hit the floor with a hard thud. I must have stayed laying there for two or three long minutes, listening quietly for any movements from my parent’s room upstairs. Too worried about making any more noise, I just took off my jeans and climbed into bed.

I woke up the next morning to a tap on my door and my mom saying, “Time to get up Lexi, you are going to be late”. In the midst of all my sneaking around, I had forgotten to set my alarm. I hurried to get ready, grabbed some breakfast and rushed out the door so I could walk with Sara. I was really hoping that Anthony would join us so I could apologize for last night. I could not wait to tell them both about my crazy adventure while we walked to school. I got near Sara’s house when I heard her best friend calling my name. I waited for her to catch up. We walked up to Sara’s driveway and waited for about a minute before she came out to join us. I told the hilarious story about my long paranoid walk home and how I mistreated Anthony. How could I treat someone I had a crush on like that? Sarah thought I should have had him walk me home. Then she added, “And kissed him as a thank you”. This would be a dream come true. We laughed the entire walk to school.

We all got to school and had to go straight to first period. I had to go to my locker to grab my Chemistry book so I was almost late. I opened my books to pretend like I was ready to pay attention. Instead though I got out a piece of paper and started a quick note to Sara. Between periods we would slip notes into each other’s lockers. It was something I looked forward to. Incase anyone was to ever find our letters; we used code words and nicknames for our friends. I had only put the date, time and “Dear Tweety” on the paper when the announcements started. I never listen to these boring daily announcements. Mostly because the principal, Mr. Johnson’s voice was so boring and monotone.

Today something was different. His voice had a horrible sadness to it. As he made his announcement, he sniffled and his voice cracked with an intense emotion. “Anthony Brown was found dead in his room this morning. He committed suicide last night, sometime after midnight. Counselors will be available all week for any students who need to talk. Anthony’s family asks that everyone respect their privacy during their time of grief.” I felt like I was having a panic attack. My heart hurt and my eyes were tearing up. I grabbed my books and ran outta my class. My last words to him were echoing in my head as I ran down the hallway to the office. I was sobbing hysterically by the time my mom picked me up. She knew we were neighbors and friends. She had no idea that I loved him. I don’t know if I even knew I loved him. Why did it take me so long to realize this? I thought I was going to have more time with him. How can I suffer from heartbreak when I have never even had a boyfriend? I would do anything to see him again, just once. My thoughts went to the events of last night. Did I do this? Could I have stopped it? Tomorrow is never promised to anyone of us, so it is very important that we tell the people in our lives how we truly feel.




I am single mom living in Texas but originally from New York. I am going to school for psychology, to work with at-risk youth.